We answer your doubts

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How do I place an order?

  • Category:
  • Order

Our purchasing process is very intuitive and designed to provide an easy and smooth browsing experience.

In fact, it will be enough to browse our product catalogue, navigating between the categories, with the possibility of stratifying the search through filters (e.g .: price, material, power supply, etc...).

Once you have found the item you are interested in, simply click the " Add to cart " button and then decide whether to continue shopping or proceed to checkout .

If you want to remove an item because you've changed your mind. ..No problem!

Enter your cart by clicking on the relevant icon (top right if you are browsing from Desktop , bottom right from Mobile) , click on the trash can icon to the right of each item and that 's it.

You can now continue your online shopping and select other items!

I have chosen the items to purchase and now?

  • Category:
  • Order

Here comes the time to checkout, the final step to complete the purchase and submit your order.

Click on the cart icon and once inside choose whether to take a final look at the selected items or move on to entering the data needed for shipping.

Remember to consult the Conditions of Sale and tick the relevant acceptance box before clicking the "Checkout" button.

In this step you will be asked for the useful data to receive your package:

  • Name and surname
  • Shipping Address
  • Email or Telephone

Now choose the payment method you prefer, you have many possibilities:

  • Credit/debit card
  • PayPal account
  • Cash on delivery

Can I do express checkout?

  • Category:
  • Order

Of course yes!

If you get tired of entering your data manually, you can avoid doing so and proceed with PayPal or Google and Apple Pay wallets.

Once you have logged in to one of these services, review your shipping information and then submit the order by clicking on the relevant button.

Can I order via WhatsApp?

  • Category:
  • Order

Yes, you can confirm your order via WhatsApp.

Click on the WhatsApp icon at the bottom right, the application will open where you can tell us the items you wish to purchase.

You can forward us the link to the article or articles or the codes.

You will still have to communicate the data needed for delivery: name, surname, shipping address and email.

Once we have collected this information, we will proceed to create the Sales Document.

You can choose the payment methods as per checkout: credit/debit card, PayPal or Cash on Delivery.

Can I order by phone?

  • Category:
  • Order

Yes, you can communicate your order to us by telephone.

Just click on the handset icon at the top right if you are browsing from mobile and the APP with which you manage calls will open.

Alternatively, you can dial the number on your device: 0817670017.

Tell us the codes of the items you intend to purchase, the shipping details and an email address.

We will generate the sales document and forward it by email.

You can choose to pay by credit/debit card via payment link, with PayPal account or cash on delivery.

How is my package shipped?

  • Category:
  • Shipping

The package of your order is completely anonymous: there is no logo, name or reference to the shop.

The courier is in no way aware of the contents of your order.

The outside of the box is neutral and the sender is: VT SRL

Furthermore, inside the box your products are closed in a sealed bag from which the contents inside cannot be seen.

Which courier is responsible for the shipment?

  • Category:
  • Shipping

We entrust our shipments nationwide to SDA Express Courier.

Can I track my package?

  • Category:
  • Shipping

Of course, you can follow the progress of your shipment via the tracking code that we will provide you via email as soon as the courier has provided it to us.

How long does it take to receive my order?

  • Category:
  • Shipping

As you can see in the data sheet of each product, the delivery day is indicated.

This estimate is reliable but not guaranteed, any delays caused by the courier are not predictable.

If you place the order by 2.00 pm, the package is shipped on the same day and takes 1 or 2 working days throughout the national territory. For islands and areas not covered by an efficient service network, it could take 1 extra day.

All orders received after 2pm will be shipped the morning of the following day.

I changed my mind or didn't like the gift. Can I return the item?

  • Category:
  • Returns and Refunds

Yes, it is possible to make a partial or total return of the order placed on goestasy.com

We are among the few to offer a very easy return policy, in fact you have 30 days to make the return.

The 30 days at your disposal are to be calculated from the day the order was placed and the delivery (not shipping) of the return must take place within this period.

Shipping costs are your responsibility, parcels sent cash on delivery are not accepted.

One or more items arrived damaged or not working

  • Category:
  • Returns and Refunds

If one of the items you purchased is defective or damaged, send us an email describing the defect found and attaching photos and videos to better explain the problem in detail.

Once we have received the item, we will resend the item or refund the amount of the purchased product and the shipping costs for returning it.

I'm not familiar with shipping, can you help me?

  • Category:
  • Returns and Refunds

If you don't know how to have your package delivered to our Returns Center, we can help you with the process.

  • Get yourself a box
  • Enter the products to be returned inside
  • Insert a piece of paper containing your order ID
  • Seal the box
  • Place the shipping label that we will provide you via email on the outside of your package. It is recommended to print the label clearly and legibly.
  • All you have to do is wait for the courier who will come to collect the package, the collection day will be communicated to you by email together with the shipping label.

The shipping cost is €5.90 and must be paid in advance. The shipping purchase invoice will be sent to you via email.

No costs will be charged on our part.

What payment methods can I use?

  • Category:
  • Payments

You can pay for your order in:

  • Mark

You will pay the total amount of the order upon delivery by the courier. For this payment method there is a collection charge of €3.49 (THREE/49 EURO)

  • Credit/debit card (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Maestro, UnionPay, Bancontact)
  • PayPal
  • Wallet (Apple, Google & Shop Pay)
  • Klarna
  • iDeal

Are my payments safe?

  • Category:
  • Payments

Yes! And here's why:

  1. Data Encryption : Any sensitive payment information is encrypted during transmission. This means that any attempt to intercept data during transfer will result in unreadable and unusable information for unauthorized third parties.
  2. Security Standards Compliance : We are fully compliant with industry security standards, including the stringent requirements of the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). These standards establish essential guidelines for securely handling customer payment information.
  3. Data Tokenization : We adopt the practice of tokenization to replace sensitive data with randomly generated unique tokens. These tokens help identify the transaction without exposing sensitive customer information.
  4. Transaction Monitoring : We use advanced transaction monitoring systems to detect suspicious activity or unauthorized transactions in real time. This allows us to intervene promptly to prevent fraud and unauthorized access.
  5. Firewalls and System Security : Our computer systems are protected by firewalls and other security measures to prevent unauthorized access by hackers or malware.
  6. Employee access and control procedures : Only authorized personnel have access to sensitive customer data, and access is limited to what is necessary to carry out their duties. We implement rigorous procedures to ensure that employees treat sensitive data securely.
  7. Staff training : Our staff involved in handling payment data receive regular training on information security and best practices for protecting sensitive data.

In summary, our commitment to payment data security is an ongoing, multi-step process. Through encryption, standards compliance, tokenization, transaction monitoring, system security, access control and staff training, we ensure that our customers' sensitive data is protected with the utmost rigor and commitment. Your safety is our priority.

Can I pay my purchases in installments?

  • Category:
  • Payments

Yes, we also offer installment payment in 3 tranches.

The service provider is Klarna .

It is not a loan.

I'm browsing the site and I have a doubt... can I ask live?

  • Category:
  • Assistance

Absolutely yes... and we will be happy to do it!

You can contact us every day from 9.30am to 8.30pm via WhatsApp, email or by calling 328 170 5155

How can I contact GoEstasy?

  • Category:
  • Assistance

You can contact us in various ways:

  • Email to: hello@goestasy.com
  • WhatsApp on 328 170 5155
  • By calling 328 170 5155