Deluxe Position Master with Cuffs
A truly unique and original bondage tool extremely useful for your favorite positions. The inflatable constrictive cushion with black vinyl handcuffs and straps and fine velvet inserts will always give you extreme comfort during submissions. In fact, it will allow you to enjoy and explore new positions that you never thought possible, all while your partner is held in a comfortable position! When your pillow is deflated, insert the strap around your waist, closing it through the plastic clip, finally proceed with inflating the pillow itself and then you can adjust the size of the strap best suited to the different sizes. At this point you can also wear the steel handcuffs included in the package, also equipped with quick release levers in case you lose the keys. Inflating and deflating the pillow is extremely easy and once enclosed it is easy to transport, this always makes it ideal for those romantic getaways where no one will know what's in your bag!